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Oryx-Antilope in Namibia


Armin's Wildlife Travel Blog

The wilderness is closer than you think. On this page I will show you where and how you can experience encounters with wild animals. As an animal lover and amateur wldlife photographer I've been searching for many years the proximity to wild animals. Immersing myself in their world and observing their natural behavior for a moment is very precious to me. I'm constantly learning and enjoy sharing my experiences on this site - with the exception of a few places where it's better if there aren't too many people there. In addition to travel and tour tips, you will also find interviews with wildlife experts and book recommendations on this page. Because the more you know about animals and the fascinating interrelationships of life on this earth, the more enjoyable encounters with animals become and the greater the desire to preserve nature. Come with me and experience wild moments. 


Wildlife is under pressure almost everywhere in the world. Reasons for this include loss of habitat, poaching, illegal trade or human-wildlife conflicts. Wouldn't it be better to simply leave wild animals undisturbed? This attitude can be taken. But in the family tree of life we are related to every living thing on the planet, we all trace our existence back to the creation of the first cell on Earth. How sad it would be if we could only see our wild cousins in the zoo. It is also a fact that in many places around the world animals are protected primarily because they represent an important source of income through tourism. A well-known wildlife photographer once said that he would rather see 1,000 tourists in the rainforest than 100 gold seekers. 


​If we seek proximity to wild animals, then this must be done in a responsible manner, because we are guests in their habitat. All too often, animals are now guests in a world that humans have massively reshaped. This is why choosing the right tour provider and a responsible behaviour is so important. I do not get paid for my posts and only recommend tours from providers who do their part to ensure that future generations can also experience wild moments.

Armin Schädeli

My wildlife photos: 


Armin Schädeli, 3312 Fraubrunnen

Data protection

About me

Looking for wild moments 


Doesn't everything die eventually and far too quickly?

Tell me, what do you plan to do with your one, wild, precious life?

(From the poem "The Summer Day" by Mary Oliver)

Whether in Switzerland, where I was born, or in Spain, where my partner comes from, or anywhere else in the world - I am always drawn to places where there are wild moments to be experienced.


I'm just as happy about family-friendly encounters with animals as I am about long stops where you don't know whether you'll see an animal. What is important to me in both cases is that you can observe the natural behavior of wild animals. 


I work for a large Swiss company as a communications specialist and media spokesman and run the blog in my free time, so you will only find new posts here every one or two months. When I'm not looking for animals, you can find me at art exhibitions or in old walls and historical ruins.

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